Episode Two: Be A Barbie Boss


On the second episode of the Boss Doll® Podcast, Caroline talks all about what being a Barbie Boss Doll means to her.  Barbie has always been Caroline’s role model.  She is proof that woman can be anything they want to be — even the CEO!

“What is a Boss Doll®?  To me, it means a Doll doing business who is a curator of her dream life.  I have always wanted to design and live a life I love.  In truth, I’ve been inspired since I was a little girl.  When I was young, I would walk the aisles of the toy store and stare at all the Barbies.  She immediately became my favorite because she could do it all.  Barbie was a teacher, an astronaut, a doctor, a mom, and yes…even a CEO!  Barbie represents women everywhere doing exactly what they want to do.  But being a woman in business comes with its fair share of criticism.  My advice?  Do not let the negativity stop you from embracing who you truly are!  When I first started POSH PR®, did you Dolls know there wasn’t ANY pink in my logo?  I wasn’t embracing who I truly was and, as a result, I wasn’t attracting my ideal client.  It wasn’t until I embraced my inner Barbie Boss that I began to find success.”

In this episode, Caroline will discuss being a woman in business and the challenges that she has personally faced.  She will then introduce Parker Parker for an interview.  

In this episode… 

  1. What is a Boss Doll®?

  2. Barbie as a role model for ALL girls!

  3. You can be the woman who does it all.

  4. As a woman in business, there will be struggles — turn those challenges into fuel as you head towards your end goal.

  5. Interview with Parker Parker

Ready to channel your inner Barbie Boss, too?  I thought so!


Listen to episode two on:

Caroline Kalentzos